For one night only, an artist formerly known as Prince Charming is appearing live in concert. This Panto tells the story of a pair of star crossed lovers (Cinders and Rockerfella) who long to find their way back to each other. With the help of Buttons, Teaser, the Fairy Brigade and the whole town, will they be reunited? Will they get married? Building on our learning in year 3 when we learnt about forces (friction), we learnt about gravity and air resistance and how they effect objects on Earth. Space exploration is an exciting thing. So, as budding scientists, we came up with lots of questions about space and forces and settled on testing just one of those questions: What material makes the best parachute? To answer this question, we designed an experiment to test which material would make the best parachute for a water bottle (cotton, felt, net, black bin bag or blue tissue). Which material do you think would make the best parachute?
STEM is an important part of our everyday lives. As part of our careers week, we had two inspirational structural engineers come in and talk about their jobs (Zainab Adigun and Shahrukh Husain). They even planned a fun activity for us to experience and practice some of the skills that they use on a daily basis. In this activity, we were asked to design and build the tallest, self-supporting structure that we could out of spaghetti and marshmallows. We had lots of fun!
We learnt so much about what we could do when we grow up this week. We had an architect come in to speak to us about her career and what her job was like. She even showed us some of her designs. A doctor spoke to us about her job and answered all the questions that we had; she even showed us what babies look like and how they develop. Not only that, a film producer came in and spoke about his job. He showed us a project that he worked on and how he designed the locations for where they flimed parts of the movie (The film was one of the James Bond Movies). We have a lot of careers to choose from when we grow up; it was an eye opening and interesting week. Bring on the future! We relished our trip to PGL! Facing our fears, building deeper friendships and experiencing new things was one of the highlights of our final year at St Mary's. Design and Make a ShoeWe were challenge to get making and designing. This half term, we are learning all about the Vikings. As part of our DT learning, we considered what Vikings wore in the past and what their shoes were made from. Next, we were set a challenge. We were provided with a j cloth, thread, a needle, a pair of scissors and a marker. With the materials provided, we had to create a prototype for a shoe that could be worn and withstand a fit for use test (a sprint from the top playground to the bottom playground).
We started by drawing the shoe that we wanted to create and then we constructed it. We found it tricky because the material was not as strong and hardwearing as the material used to make Viking shoes (leather). Nevertheless, we were able to have a go and use our knowledge of different stitches (running stitch and backstitch) to join pieces of j cloth together and even sew on some buttons. Make A ChangeIn order to raise awareness for the growing concerns that we have for the future of the world we live in, we decided to create sculptures that would represent animals that are endangered by climate change.
We took part in a climate change mass make initiative. The climate change mass make activity involved us making walruses to highlight the changes caused to a walrus’s habitat: rising sea levels, melting polar ice caps and increases in temperature. In Year Six, we used clay as a medium to mould and sculpt our walruses and then painted them using acrylic paint. Once sculpted, painted and dried, we delivered our walrus sculptures to Lewisham Hub where they would be used to form an exhibition highlighting the impacts of climate change on the world in which we live in. The children have been learning about refugees in assembly by looking at Amal and her journey from the Turkish/Syrian border. When asked how best we could welcome Amal if she were to come to our school we had various responses including "throw a party" and "make some bunting".
So we decided to make some bunting for the hall and as you can see we had some beautiful designs! One message was particularly moving; "Amal you are wonderful and beautiful and may you live in peace." What better message could you give to a child seeking refuge? The bunting looks beautiful in the hall and reminds us all that we should be shining examples of welcome and love to anyone coming to our community of St. Mary's. Year 6 enjoyed a visit to the Migration Museum in Lewisham Shopping Centre, supporting their Thematic Curriculum learning about Caribbean Islands.
Year 5 and Year 6 stepped back in time in their History lessons to learn about rationing during World War 2. They carefully planned some wartime recipes in their Design Technology lessons using only the ingredients that would have bene available 80 years ago. Finally, they spent a day using a range of cookery techniques to cook some delicious jam and biscuits.
Year 6