External Awards, Reviews and Reports
We are proud to share these reports, which have been completed by external bodies and highlight some of the amazing work that we have achieved as a school community.
SIAMS (Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools) - EXCELLENT - 27/06/19
All Church of England Schools receive this inspection every 5 years. We were delighted to achieve the highest award of 'Excellent' in our most recent inspection, held in June 2019.
IQM (Inclusion Quality Mark) - AWARD - 22/05/2019
St Mary's received this award in 2019, reflecting our Inclusive practice. We were also nominated as a Centre of Excellence in order for us to share our practice with other schools. Below you can find the original report along with the three subsequent annual reviews.
Values-based Education Quality Mark - 03/11/2021
St Mary's achieved this Quality Mark in recognition of the central role that Vision and Values play in all aspects of the School's work in promoting the Education and Wellbeing of all members of our School and wider Community.
School of Sanctuary - 24/05/2021
St Mary’s became only the third school in London to achieve this status. The award has been made in recognition of our work and ongoing commitment to the City of Sanctuary vision of being a welcoming place of safety for all and proud to offer sanctuary to people fleeing violence and persecution.
Healthy Schools London Bronze Award - 21/06/2021
We are proud to have achieved the Healthy Schools London award. This award recognises the many initiatives we have put in place to ensure that all in our school community are supported to have healthy bodies and healthy minds.
REQM (Religious Education Quality Mark) - GOLD - 22/11/2018
We received this award in November 2018 as recognition of the high standards of Teaching and Learning in Religious Education at St Mary's.