This week we read our new story Superworm by Julia Donaldson. We enjoyed it so much that we made our own Superworm to decorate the classroom!
We chanted his chant: Superworm is super long! Superworm is super strong! Watch him wiggle, see him squirm, hip, hip, hooray for Superworm! The ice did not stop us from having fun in Reception. We got on our coats, hats and gloves and ventured outside! We found lots of ice and made a baby snowman. We made marks in the frost and watched as the ice melted in our hands.
"It's so cold!" - Orianni "Look, the ice made the leaf frozen!" - Minhaz "It's melting, my hands are warm!" - Precious We love reading in Reception! Last week, we visited Catford Library and explored all of the wonderful texts! A librarian read us a story, and we took lots of books back to school.
Reception class has been reading the traditional tale The Little Red Hen. It's a tale about a hen who wanted her friends to help her bake a loaf of bread. Whenever she asked for help, the other animals said "Not I!". We decided to help her, and baked some delicious bread rolls. Have a look!
The residents at Glebe elderly residents home were delighted to be visited by our Reception class, who kindly shared Easter cards and gifts with the residents. The children enjoyed talking about their school and what they had been learning about, as well as listening to the residents memories of their school days.
On Friday 8th March, Reception went on a trip to Mudchute Farm! We saw so many different animals and we were lucky enough to feed them! Did you know a cow's tongue is as rough as sandpaper?
This term, Reception class have become vets! They are taking such good care of their patients. The children are delivering injections, putting on bandages, and booking appointments.
"This cat's leg is broken so we have to give it the injection." - Max "What's wrong with the dog? Does he need medicine?" - Mithulaa In class we have been learning about the life cycle of caterpillars by observing some in class. Once they turned into butterflies we set them free!
Earlier in the year, we planted vegetables including radishes, potatoes, kale, lettuce, carrots and onions. We have been caring for them through out the year. Recently, they were fully grown and we pulled them up. We then washed, cooked and ate them. They were delicious!
Reception have been lucky enough to have the Iroko Theatre Company visit them for six weekly sessions. These highly interactive sessions included learning to construct a story with accompanying actions and movements. One session was a drumming lesson, where children had to remember instructions to know when and what to play. Never has learning been so much fun!