As part of our whole school approach to growth mindset training was offered to parents both in the hall and we had many parents joining us online via Zoom which was great!
Growth Mindset is a way of trying to get ourselves and our children into a "can do" way of thinking. It encourages us to step outside our comfort zone and give things a try. It's okay to get things wrong we often just need to find another way or a different strategy. So if your child gets frustrated and says "I can't do it!" - encourage them by saying "You can't do it...yet." Rather than saying "You're so clever!" - tell them "I can see you've worked hard on this because..." If your child says " I'm not good at maths/english/art" - tell them "No-one is good at this in the beginning. Let's find a way to help you understand". We all need to practice having a growth mindset so give it a go! Our Reception class parents were invited to a couple of sessions where we talked about positive parenting, setting boundaries and creating the best opportunity for children to learn. We also learnt about our own parenting styles and shared good practice. What an amazing group of parents - honest, open and a good sense of humour which always helps when you are on the rollercoaster journey that is parenting!
If you are interested in parenting classes you can ask Mrs Tildesley or refer yourself via this link Amal the giant walking puppet walked all the way from the Syrian/Turkish border across 8000km and 8 countries and finally arrived in the UK. Year 5 were on Deptford High Street to give her a very warm and special welcome along with lots of other children from Lewisham schools! As Lewisham's first School of Sanctuary St. Mary's had a very special part to play and accompanied Amal with giant bunting down the high street to Giffin Square where a huge poster was hanging which had been created by Years 5 and 6. Ayana then gave Amal a giant Paddington sticker. Remember Paddington Bear was also a refugee like Amal!
Year 5 also spoke with the Mayor of Lewisham Damian Egan and Councillor Kevin Bonavia who has visited our school before. We even featured on BBC news that night! Year 5 were a real credit to the school and lots of people complimented them on their brilliant behaviour and good manners during what was a very busy celebration. It was an amazing day and we are grateful to our governors and parents who accompanied us on the trip! |
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