This half term, we have been learning all about forces. Within this topic, we have learnt about simple machines which makes it easier for us to complete tasks. We carried out an experiment to test how much force was needed to lift a load when we moved the turning point on a lever and we even designed our own machines using the mechanisms that we learnt about. Some of us even managed to use an inclined plane and screw!Today, we were Vikings for a day. It was amazing to learn all about why they invaded England, what they believed and their daily life. We even learnt how their religion influenced the names that they gave to the days of the week. Did you know that a Viking king who had died was cremated on a long ship with his weapons and even a horse head?Year 6 had a great time exploring the digital art and the theme of colonisation. We were fortunate enough to be part of an amazing workshop; we learnt about indigenous film making and got to create our own takes on story telling through still pictures (polaroids) and junk modelling.
We have been learning all about the Caribbean Islands. We have learnt about the History of Jamaica, learnt about the thirteen islands classed as countries and the push and pull factors around migration. To end our learning, we did some cooking; our chickpea curry was delicious.Join Peter Pan, the Lost Boys, Wendy, Michael and John as the encounter pongy pirates, wild warriors and a crocodile with an insatiable appetite for Captain Hook. Where will your imagination take you? |
Year 6