Our School Councillors and children from our Year 5 class who have been working with UCL students on our Housing Campaign travelled to City Hall in East London to join other schools and Citizens UK campaigners. We met with the Deputy Mayor for Housing - Tom Copley - and shared real stories and made demands for change, so that everyone has access to clean and safe housing.
Year 6 have built a strong link with a school in Ghana - Dasabligo Primary. They have enjoyed writing letters to their friends and learning about life and education in another country. Year 6 decided to raise some money to support Dasabligo and they organised a successful Summer Fayre, which raised nearly £300. Our parents met with our friends from Citizens UK to share their concerns about Housing and to plan future campaigns.
St Mary's were proud to be represented at this special event where our children and parents, working in partnership with Lewisham Citizens, were given the opportunity to question Sadiq Khan in front of 2,000 people and secure pledges for future policy. Prior to the event, the children created banners with the UCL students to ensure that our messages for change were shared with many people in Central London. Mrs Graham gave a powerful speech, highlighting the impact of our previous campaigning to secure better housing and financial support for some of the most vulnerable in our communities.
A special worship was held for each class to share their Courageous Advocacy projects, which they have chosen to benefit the local and wider communities that our school is blessed to be a part of.
Our children's Faith Group organised an Easter Fayre and raised nearly £500 for charities chosen by the Bishop of Southwark for his annual Lent Appeal. The children travelled to Southwark Cathedral for a special Thanksgiving Service, where they joined schools from across the Diocese. As well as giving the Bishop the money that they had raised, the Faith Group also shared details with the congregation of how they had raised so much money for good causes.
As part of the Mayor's 'Planning for London Programme' St Mary's joined this project alongside many other schools to share their vision for the future of London. Our children discussed in groups and then prioritised their key issues that they would like to be addressed as well as the changes they would like to see. You can see all of the results here: https://consult.london.gov .uk/s ee-what-young-londoners-are-saying or by clicking on the button below. St Mary's have already been active in making changes happen to help to shape a better future for London - for example through our Housing Campaigns and the work of the Eco Council.
The residents at Glebe elderly residents home were delighted to be visited by our Reception class, who kindly shared Easter cards and gifts with the residents. The children enjoyed talking about their school and what they had been learning about, as well as listening to the residents memories of their school days.
Year 3 have been collecting food donations to support those most in need in our local communities. They have made posters and spoken to each class to advertise their project. The food donations have been taken to St Mary's Church who will ensure they are passed to local foodbanks.
We joined with local schools and community groups to make our voices heard as we joined a campaign to demand better housing for Lewisham residents. Our community conversations highlight that this is a key issue for our families. Children, parents and staff joined the protest, which began with speeches and a rally at Rushey Green primary school. Mrs Graham gave an impassioned speech to the prospective mayoral candidates and asked for them to make pledges. We then marched to Lewisham Town Hall, where we handed in a letter from several Lewisham headteachers, supporting the campaign.
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July 2024
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