Parents and Children enjoyed taking time to follow in Jesus' footsteps as they journeyed through the Forest Garden, stopping to reflect at the key events of Holy Week: Palm Sunday, the Last Supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, Crucifixion and the Tomb.
At this most important time of year in the Christian calendar, we welcomed Father Steve to lead us in our Easter worship. Our Year 6 Servers shared some Bible readings relating to the events of Holy Week and Father Steve led us in reflection. Thank you to our School Governor, Mr Stringfellow, who accompanied our hymns and shared some peaceful and reflective music. At the end of the worship, each child received a palm cross before spending some time peacefully in our Forest School Garden, where a reflective scene of Jesus' tomb had been created.
A very special worship was planned and delivered by our children's Faith Group. In order to support the Bishop of Southwark's Lent Appeal for local and international charities, the children decided to run an Easter Fayre. They used the worship to promote the Fayre, as well as sharing details about each of the charities and the amazing work they do - from Zimbabwe to Palestine. As well as presenting the worship, our amazing Faith Group designed and created the slideshow, in addition to some colourful posters to help publicise the event and raise lots of money.
Our Worship focused on the Muslim period of prayer, reflection and fasting. We shared readings from the Bible and the Quran. Children shared their beliefs and practises as well as sharing the significance of this special time in the Islamic faith.
All of the children developed their spirituality in a space of peace and reflection. A central display was created and children sat around this display, with our Year 6 helpers adding items as we listened to Bible readings and took time to reflect on their meaning. The Bible passages focused on the events of Holy Week. Bread and wine represented the last supper, alongside a bowl and water as we remembered how Jesus washed the disciples' feet. The garden of Gethsemane was created using plants and finally, candles were added to show that Jesus is the light of the world. A multi-sensory experience was created with incense, scented candles and Taize music.
We gave thanks to our Mothers in this special worship. We were joined by Father Steve from St Mary's Church, who was assisted by our team of servers. Our servers delivered the Bible readings and led us in prayer. Children reflected on what makes their Mothers so special and how we can help them. Thanks to all of the mothers who joined us for worship and received some Spring daffodils as a gift from their children.
A Week of Worship at St Mary's
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December 2024