We are Times Table Rock Stars and we have been using our knowledge to multiply numbers up to 4-digit by 1 and 2-digit numbers. We revisited a few known skills such as our place value knowledge and partitioning. Place value counters have been a really useful learning resource in helping us visualise and exchange numbers to ease division.
Do you know the highest remainder you can get from dividing a number by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10? Did you notice a pattern? In RE, we have been learning about The Beatitudes and how Christians apply the principles and teachings in their daily life. We discussed the meaning behind each Beatitude and how it might look like in our daily interactions with our friends, family members and others in the wider community. Can you guess which Beatitude each frieze represents?
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God. Blessed are those who suffer persecution for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. As part of our study into the continent of Africa, Year 5 were lucky to have to Art students from The University of London, Goldsmiths, visit to deliver a workshop on artist, Sammy Baloji from the Democratic Republic of Congo.
We analysed the different medium and materials he loves working with and then foraged in the school's forest garden for leaves, twigs and other materials that we would use. Back in class, we worked with clay and our leaves/twigs to create our own textile patterns. By the end of the lesson, we were covered in flour but we thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Next up, Batik making- watch out! As part of our Geography and History study into Africa, we went to the Royal Naval College Chapel in Greenwich to enjoy a musical concert by the Trinity Laban group (Sounds from West Africa). We experienced the sounds of African music played on a cello, harp, violin, flute, clarinet and piano.
We have been learning about Biomes, their characteristics and the different fauna and flora that thrive in them. We worked in groups to sort sentence strips (which contained facts about the different biomes), animals and pictures into the right groups: Savannah, Temperate Rainforest, Tropical Rainforest and Desert.
Our focus location in Geography is Africa (Nigeria- Benin). We discovered that the ancient Benin kingdom was a rainforest biome, however the continent of Africa also features Savannahs and deserts. In R.E., Year 5 have been learning about Sikhism.
We visited the Gurdwara in Woolwich and we learned more about who started Sikhism, when Sikhism started, and where it first originated. Some of the beliefs and core principles that guide a Sikh's way of life are: 1. Charity: sharing and giving to those in need 2. Honesty and integrity in all things and 3. Social justice Some of Year 5's Eco Warrior representatives went to Beecroft Garden School to take part in a Climate Action Network Meeting. We went on a tour of the school to see what measures they had put in place, and saw their fantastic art exhibition using recycled materials.
Pupils then took part in a workshop working with children from other schools to design their own artwork with an environmental message. World Book Week with a Fairy Tale Theme was an exciting one in Year 5:
Ellie from MP Smarter Travel came to deliver interactive air quality workshops for Years 4, 5 and 6 on 22nd November 2022. Our Year 5 Eco Warriors then took part in an idling action event after school where they spoke directly with parents to tackle idling outside the school gates.
Poor air quality particularly impacts the health and wellbeing of children, and younger children in particular are considered to be the most vulnerable as their lungs are still developing. The children enjoyed and were engaged in the session. It tied in seamlessly with our recycling/ environment friendly advocacy project. It's been an exciting half -term in year 5. We've explored our topic "African Kingdom" where we learned about the continent of Africa, the country Nigeria and the history of the Ancient Benin people. In R.E. , we've learned about Buddhism and the principles that guide their way of life such as the Eight-fold Path and the Four Noble Truths. We created our own Wheel of Life and filled it with the things that are important to us. In Art, we have had a lot of exciting time creating our own tie and dye fabric piece being inspired by the works of Mrs Nike Ogundaye Davis.
We adapted the traditional process of making adire and used washable glue and fabric paint. Can you write an instruction text for making tie and dye using glue? |
Year 5