We had a wonderful time visiting Crofton Roman Villa as part of our learning in History. We learned from an expert about how archaeologists discovered the site and what they learned from the artefacts that were found. We created brass rubbings of different types of Roman soldier, used tesserae to make our own mosaics and completed some observational drawings of real Roman artefacts.
Year 3 have been learning about sounds, how sounds are made and how they travel. We have made string telephones and tested them. We have investigated how sound travels through the string and why we can hear each other better when talking through the string telephone. We have made connections between the molecules from gases, liquids and solids and how they influence sound.
In Roots of Empathy with Miss. Henry, we have learned more about how to care for babies and how babies develop. Baby Emiliana is starting to respond to the children and she is very happy with all the attention. |
Year 3