We have built our confidence in making and ordering 3 digit numbers. Today, we used Hundreds, Tens and Ones counters to find 100, 10 and 1 more than a given number. We use physical resources to help us draw pictures and then ultimately to write and solve number problems.
The children had a great time in the Forest School, gathering resources to build story settings and to make a home for Kevin (the flying pony) who is the main character in their class reading book.
Year 3 have settled well into their new class. In Maths, they have been using resources to explore 2 and 3 digit numbers. The children used numicon, cubes, place value counters and dienes to represent numbers. They will be extending their learning by finding 1, 10 and 100 more and less, as well as adding the numbers. Using the resources supports the children as they learn formal written methods.
Year 3