The School Council attended the School Council Summit at John Stainer Primary School to share some of the great work that our school council and other school councils have been doing over the year.
We had a tour of the school and had playtime in their playground. This was followed by a session looking at the resilience celebrities have displayed in their lifetimes, and we found words to describe their qualities. We then created amazing pieces of artwork - one of which is currently displayed in the school office so do take a look! After lunch on the rooftop garden, all the schools shared presentations about what they have done over the past year. Our School Council had lots to share, including their trip to Parliament, their campaigning for better housing and their recent collection during Refugee Week. Each class took part in four exciting investigations throughout a whole day focused on developing the children’s scientific skills and knowledge. Highlights included making paper, designing electrical circuits, using data loggers, coke bottle volcanoes, creating magnetic games, investigating sweets, designing an ice garden, making water filters, building a house for bugs and exploring friction. We want our children to know that there is nothing that they can't achieve. We welcomed a wide variety of visitors this week, from a variety of careers. Each guest inspired the children by sharing their journey to achieve their dreams, talking about their perseverance and how they overcame challenges. Careers included a midwife, professor, author, gymnast, BSL interpreter, cupcake decorator, children's charity worker, data analyst, policeman and karate teacher.
Congratulations to our amazing team who won their Rugby Tournament after playing some competitive matches against local schools. We are very proud that they came back to St Mary's with the trophy!
Congratulations to our amazing team from Year 3 and Year 4, who travelled to Catford to play in a Cricket tournament against other local schools. They performed brilliantly, demonstrating their amazing bowling, batting and fielding.
To celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III, we held a tea party at St Mary's. This colourful occasion featured flags, bunting, hand made crowns and everyone wearing red, white and blue. Every class enjoyed a picnic lunch with sandwiches, sausage rolls, cake and scones! Luckily the rain held off so that we could end the celebration with music and dancing!
Our team performed with skill and determination as they played 6 matches against other schools from across Lewisham. Strong defence and fast paced attacks were the highlights as each child made amazing progress in this fun sport through competitive matches. The team were hard to beat and secured 4 draws - well done everyone!
These well attended workshops were held in each class as we welcomed our parents into the classroom. Teachers shared the children's learning in Literacy and explained the curriculum. There were also helpful ideas on how to support learning at home. Thank you to everyone who attended, please contact your child's class teacher if you have any further questions.
School News BlogAll the latest news and events from St Mary's Lewisham CE Primary School Archives
January 2025
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