Year 3 have been collecting food donations to support those most in need in our local communities. They have made posters and spoken to each class to advertise their project. The food donations have been taken to St Mary's Church who will ensure they are passed to local foodbanks.
In Literacy we started the Spring term with the book “The Pied Piper of Hamelin”. We introduced the idea of how people react when people see a rat in the streets. The children reacted in their own way, then they wrote down the reaction.
In November, Year 3 went to visit the Mudchute Farm Park. First, the children learned how we bake bread. The staff member handed out the materials and instructed the children how to follow the steps to make bread. The same followed on how to make butter using crème fraiche. Then, the children tasted the result of their learning. Finally, the children walked around the farm to see the different animals. They were really excited to see animals from other countries, such as llamas.
We enjoyed a lovely walk through the park on the way to the Library, looking out for Autumn colours and listening to the wildlife. Once we arrived at the Library, we enjoyed some stories from the Librarian, before reading our own books. Every child brought a favourite book back to school and we hope that our families use the application forms to join the Library and visit regularly.
Year 3 visited the construction site as developers create a new playground in Lewisham Park for the whole community to enjoy. The children learned about the designs for the playground and how fundraising has enabled this amazing new space for children to enjoy.
We have built our confidence in making and ordering 3 digit numbers. Today, we used Hundreds, Tens and Ones counters to find 100, 10 and 1 more than a given number. We use physical resources to help us draw pictures and then ultimately to write and solve number problems.
The children had a great time in the Forest School, gathering resources to build story settings and to make a home for Kevin (the flying pony) who is the main character in their class reading book.
Year 3 have settled well into their new class. In Maths, they have been using resources to explore 2 and 3 digit numbers. The children used numicon, cubes, place value counters and dienes to represent numbers. They will be extending their learning by finding 1, 10 and 100 more and less, as well as adding the numbers. Using the resources supports the children as they learn formal written methods.
We had a wonderful time visiting Crofton Roman Villa as part of our learning in History. We learned from an expert about how archaeologists discovered the site and what they learned from the artefacts that were found. We created brass rubbings of different types of Roman soldier, used tesserae to make our own mosaics and completed some observational drawings of real Roman artefacts.
Year 3